Halo Pro from Road Angel

Halo Pro from Road Angel

Halo Pro from Road Angel £199.99   Is there much difference between one dash cam and another? In the case of the Halo Pro from Road Angel, the answer is a definite yes, because unlike most dash ca...
Is it Illegal to Sleep in Your Car?

Is it Illegal to Sleep in Your Car?

The legality of sleeping in your car is a nuanced topic, heavily influenced by a myriad of factors including location/country you're in, ownership of the land where the car is parked, local laws, a...
Parking FAQs

Parking FAQs

How familiar are you with the UK’s parking rules? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about parking restrictions we’ve encountered here at Road Angel. How close can I park to a jun...

UK Speed Cameras Explained

What is a speed camera? Speed cameras – the two words that any motorist dreads. Did you know that there are 15 different types of speed cameras used in the UK? The most common types used are Gatso ...
How to SORN your vehicle

How to SORN your vehicle

What is SORN? SORN stands for Statutory Off Road Notification and it enables you to notify the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) that your vehicle is not being used on the road. How long d...
When can you park on yellow lines?

When can you park on yellow lines?

Parking on yellow lines is one of the most commonly discussed topics among drivers in the UK. What are the rules that dictate when you are allowed to park on a yellow line? What is different about ...

How to Hardwire a Dash Cam

Hardwiring a dash cam to your fuse box is a common installation method. This blog gives you easy to follow instructions to hardwire your dash cam. Learn more about how to get your dash camera set u...
When should you report a car accident?

When should you report a car accident?

What are my legal requirements if I am involved in a road accident? The Road Traffic Act 1988 states that if you are involved in an accident while driving a vehicle and cause damage or injury, you ...

Speed Camera Detector Buying Guide

What does a speed camera detector do? Safety camera detectors, otherwise known as speed camera detectors, are intended to warn the user of a potential speed camera which they may be approaching. Th...
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